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Plant Care

(How to make you beautiful Isan Flowers plants live as long as possible)

Here at Isan Flowers we always supply high-quality plants that are very healthy, so they will look beautiful and live as long as possible after you buy them from us. Here is our advice for how you can keep them beautiful and help them live as long as possible …

NOTE: This is our advice to taking care of the real (living) plants we sell. To see our advice for the flower bouquets, basket and vase arrangements that we sell, please see our Flower Care page.

Orchids - General
Other Plants

Orchids - General

Orchids are beautiful, long-lasting, very suited to and very easy to care for in Thailand conditions because they are a tropical plant. They are not the delicate, hard-to-grow and care for plants that some people outside Thailand think they are. They can live for up to many years after you buy them.

Although not the national flower of Thailand (it’s the Ratchaphruek tree, also known as Cassia Fistula Linn, Golden Shower Tree or, simply, as Khun), it has a special place in the heart of Thai people and is used by Thai Airways as their logo - so we think everyone should have one while in Thailand!

There are 1000s of orchid species around the world, many of them grown in Thailand. The care required by each species varies but here is our general guide …

Material for the Roots: Most Orchids are Epiphytes (‘air plants’) and will not grow in soil. (Orchid roots need to dry a little between when you water them. Most soil will not allow the roots to dry). The best material for the roots is moss, because this will allow the roots to dry. We supply all our Orchids with moss on their roots, so you don't need to find moss yourself.

Choosing where to place your Orchid plant (Air, Light, Temperature, Humidity) …

Most of the Orchid plants we sell at Isan Flowers have a long metal wire hook attached to them which can be used to hang the orchid in the air, outdoors (see reasons why below)

Like other plants, Orchids only have a few basic needs ….

Light: Like all plants, Orchids need light - but not too much. Natural, bright, indirect light is best. Avoid direct sunlight, and places that are too bright and too hot. Judge how much light your Orchid needs by watching the leaves. The leaves should be a light green, like grass. This shows that the plant has as the correct amount of light, and is trying protecting itself from burning. If the leaves become very yellow, it is receiving too much light - move the plant to more shade. If the leaves become dark, emerald green, it is not receiving enough light - move the plant to more light.

Temperature: Orchids love warm conditions (but not too hot) so it is usually best to keep them outside in Thailand, away from air-conditioning (do not place your Orchid where there is cold air con - cold will kill your Orchid). Anywhere between 17C at night and 27C during the day is best. Like nearly all types of plants, Orchids also like a constant breeze. Moving air helps them grow and reduces the chance of disease. This is one reason why many people hang Orchids up with long, vertical metal hooks or cord.

Humidity: Orchids like high humidity. If you think the place you put your Orchid is not humid enough, you can fill a tray with gravel and water and then place the Orchid above it, or on top of it. You can then add water to the tray once or twice a week, instead of watering the roots directly. The evaporating water will ensure higher humidity. But remember, never let orchids stand directly in standing water.

Balconies, Terraces and Patios are therefore excellent places to have orchids, for example.

NOTE: Some plants experience a period of stress when you take them home – because of the change in environment conditions (similar to the way some people find moving house very stressful!) Don't worry if leaves or flowers drop – make sure you put your plant in the right place using the advice above and wait until it has settled into its new environment.

Caring for your Orchid (Water & Cutting) ...

Water: The right amount of water is also very important. In the wild, most Orchids grow on trees or other plants, and get their water from the air. To water your Orchid, spray or let water run over the roots and moss around the roots - but be careful to make sure your Orchid never stands in water. A good way to avoid the risk of standing water is to hang your Orchid plant up in the air (so water will drip down), or you can give your Orchid water by using a gravel tray (see the Humidity section above). Normally, you should not give your Orchid water more than once a week. Judge how much water your Orchid needs by watching the roots. If the roots are white, firm, and fleshy with green tips, your Orchid is healthy. If your Orchid has many damp, mushy, brown, dead roots this means you are giving it too much water. Most Orchids prefer to be dry, rather than always wet. But also do not let your Orchid be too dry for too long.

Cutting/Pruning (‘Dead heading’): Orchids normally have one or more ‘flower spikes' (stems) on which flowers appear. When a flower dies on a spike, remove it gently. When all the flowers have died on a spike and the spike becomes ugly, the best thing to do is usually to remove the spike completely by cutting it with sharp scissors at the base of the spike. This will give the plant more energy to create a strong new spike and with more flowers. If you do not remove the spike, the flower spike may dry up and turn brown over time.

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Other Plants

Like our Orchids, all the other plants we sell are also best placed outdoors, either in sun or shade. They should be watered regularly (some more than once a day) and if leaves start to discolour and/or insects start living on the plant, use plant chemicals to get rid of the disease or pests.

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Isan Flowers 2,
39/8 Moo 2, Soi Siam Country Club,
(on corner of Soi 23)
East Pattaya,
Chonburi 20150,
Tel : (+66)(0)85-288-7943

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