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Flower Care

(How to keep you Isan Flowers real cut flower bouquets, basket and vase arrangements beautiful for as long as possible)

Here at Isan Flowers we always supply high quality flowers that are completely fresh, so they will look beautiful as long as possible after you buy them from us. We want you, or the recipient of the flowers, you buy from us to enjoy them as long as possible, so take a look at our advice below to get the best out of them …

NOTE: This is our advice to taking care of real cut flower bouquets, basket and vase arrangements. To see our advice for the (living) plants that we sell, like Orchids, please see our Plant Care page.

Caring for Fresh Cut Flowers & Fresh Flower Bouquets
Example Flower Care Videos
Caring for Fresh Flower Basket & Vase Arrangements

 Example Flower Care videos

youtube_logo.gif To see some great videos explaining the above instructions, watch our "Flower Care Videos" playlist on our Isan Flowers Pattaya Flower Shop video playlist on YouTube ....


Caring for Fresh Cut Flowers & Fresh Flower Bouquets

NOTE: All our fresh cut flower bouquets include an “aqua-pack” (the bottom of the stems wrapped in wet cotton wool and a plastic bag) that will give the flowers water and keep them as fresh as possible during travel/delivery until the recipient can place them in more water.

Although different types of flowers require different types of care, here is some simple advice for keeping any real, cut flowers, bought either on their own or in a Bouquet form, looking beautiful for the longest possible time …

In the first 3 hours (or night) you have the flowers …

1     Do not place flowers on furniture or polished surfaces unless they are in a vase or container.
Flowers should not be placed directly onto furniture or polished surfaces because they may cause scratching or staining. (Isan Flowers sells a great range of vases).

2     As soon as possible (preferably within 20 minutes), carefully remove all delivery packaging from the flowers (including the “aqua-pack” the flowers may have arrived in), cut & place the flowers in deep, cool water for 3 hours or overnight.
cut_stem.gif2.1. Cut off the bottom 3-5 centimetres of the flower stems at a 45 degree angle (underwater if possible) with a sharp, clean knife (see example cut picture on the right). Do NOT use scissors, because they will probably be too blunt and therefore crush the stem (which will prevent the flower drinking enough water)
2.1.1. A sharp khife will make a clean, even cut that will allow more water to enter the stems
2.1.2. Cutting at an angle will create a wider exposed stem area, allow the flower to drink the maximum amount of water and stops stems resting parallel on the bottom of the vase and sealing themselves.
2.1.3. Cutting underwater is important for hollow-stemmed plants because it will prevent an airlock forming in the stem which may prevent the flower drinking water

After the first 3 hours (or night) you have the flowers …

3     Place the flowers in a clean vase or container filled with fresh, clean water and flower food or sugar.
Flowers are made up of 90% water. This is what keeps them fresh and firm. So always give them plenty of water. Also make sure the water temperature is correct. Lukewarm water is best if your flowers are only in bud and not yet open. It encourages buds and closed flowers to open. It also helps prevent air bubbles in the stem that will stop flowers able to drink the water. Once flowers are open it is better if they are in cool (not cold) water, because cool temperatures slow down growth and your flowers will last longer. Note that very hot or very cold water will damage flowers.

Like all living things, flowers need food as well as water to help them live longer. Add flower food or sugar to the water. (If using sugar, use 1 teaspoon or cube (5ml) of sugar for every 1 pint (600ml) of water)

Fresh cut flowers should always be kept in clean vases or containers containing clean, clear water. Thoroughly clean the insides of vases before and after use to ensure they are free from damaging bacteria which will kill your flowers. Do not use metal containers because they can neutralize flower food, which will shorten the life of your flowers.

Remove any leaves that are below water level, because they will decompose and contaminate the water.
Also remove any damaged (protection) petals (turning brown) on the outside of the flowers.

4     Choose a cool, draught-free place to display your flowers in.
Most cut flowers prefer light (but not direct sunlight) and cool locations (ideally between 18 - 22°C/65 - 72°F). Keep flowers away from direct sunlight, heaters and large lights because these will usually damage and shorten the life of your flowers.

Place vases or containers on a protective mat to prevent them staining the surface they are on.

     4.1. NOTE: Lilies are harmful to some cats if eaten so keep them away from cats
     4.2. NOTE: Many flowers, like Carnations, are sensitive to the ethylene gas released by ripening
            fruit, which will make the flowers prematurely grow old, so also keep them away from fruit
     4.3. NOTE: Flowers also need clean air. Flowers in a room where people are smoking or close to an
            open window where traffic pollution is heavy will not live as long as elsewhere.
     4.4. NOTE: The pollen in the stamens of Lilies will stain petals and clothing. (Isan Flowers always
            removes the stamens)

Every Day …

5     Every day, remove any dead flowers, top up the vase or container with water and also spray the flowers with water.
Like ripening fruit, dying flowers also release small amounts of ethylene gas which makes, so always ‘dead head’ (cut off) dying flowers. Also remove any dying petals (turning brown) from the flowers.

Spraying can be done using a clean spray bottle like the one used for spraying on clothes while ironing. Spraying flowers is similar to them receiving rain. (Isan Flowers sells very good spray bottles in our Pattaya flower shop)

If the water becomes cloudy and not clear, it is a sign of damaging bacteria infestation, which will kill your flowers. You should immediately clean the vase thoroughly to remove all the bacteria and completely replacing the water in the vase (see water temperature above)

Every 2 Days … cut_stem.gif

6     Freshen the flowers every 2 days by cutting another 2 centimetres from the bottom of the stems at a 45-degree angle with a sharp knife (see example cut picture on the right) and completely replacing the water in the vase (see water temperature above) and add new flower food or sugar.
It is a good idea to completely clean the inside of the vase too 


Caring for Fresh Flower Basket & Vase Arrangements

NOTE: All our fresh cut flower Basket and Vase arrangements include a wet oasis (green florist foam) inside the basket/vase to hold the flowers in their arrangement and hold any water given to them, so they stay fresh as long as possible.

In the first 12 hours you have the Basket or Vase arrangement …

1     As soon as possible (preferably within 20 minutes), top up the oasis inside the basket or vase with fresh, clean, cool water and flower food or sugar, in proportion, and also spray the flowers with water.
Take care when watering the basket or vase because if you add too much water, the water spill onto the surface the basket or vase is on. (For information on flower food and sugar, see the Caring for Fresh Cut Flowers & Fresh Flower Bouquets section above)

2     Choose a cool, draught-free place to display your flowers in & use a mat if placing on furniture or polished surfaces.
Place flowers in vases or baskets on a protective mat to prevent overflowing water (see below) staining the surface they are on. (For information on choosing a location, see the Caring for Fresh Cut Flowers & Fresh Flower Bouquets section above)

Every Day …

3     Every day, remove any dead flowers or dying petals (turning brown), top up the basket or vase with water and flower food or sugar (in proportion) and also spray the flowers with water.
Take care when watering the basket or vase because if you add too much water, the water spill onto the surface the basket or vase is on

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Isan Flowers 2,
39/8 Moo 2, Soi Siam Country Club,
(on corner of Soi 23)
East Pattaya,
Chonburi 20150,
Tel : (+66)(0)85-288-7943

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