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Delivery & Collection

When you order products from Isan Flowers, you can:click_to_see_delivery_photo_slideshows_-_animation.gif

EITHER ... (A) Say you (or your friend) will Collect your Order from our shop in Pattaya (Where Are We?)

OR ... (B) Pay us to Deliver your Order for you

Delivery &
Collection Times
We are pleased to offer you a choice of standard delivery or collection times – (A) Anytime (B) 10am-12pm (Midday) (C) 12pm (Midday)-3pm (D) 3pm-6pm, and (E) 6pm-8pm. Choose your preferred delivery or collection time in our website Checkout process when you order.
If you require a more exact delivery or collection time, please tell us on your Order and we will try to do our best to deliver as close as we can to that time.
Please understand that we cannot guarantee that every delivery will be at the requested delivery time. There are a number of good reasons why we may need to deliver at a different time for you - please see the other information on this Delivery & Collection webpage and our
Terms and Conditions.

Delivery & Collection Dates - Please Try to Order 2 Days or More in advance (if possible)
We can do deliveries nearly every day, subject usually to our shop opening hours (see our Contact Us page). Delivery of Orders may not be possible on some national or local Pattaya holidays, such as Pattaya Songkran (traditional Thai New Year). Please see our Calendar page for details. If we know in advance that we will not be able to deliver your Order on the date you requested, we will try to contact you to tell you and offer to make the delivery on our next working day.
If going though our Checkout process to create a website Order ... please choose a delivery or collection date that is 2 or More Days after your Order date. (Currently the "date chooser" option in our Checkout process is configured to allow only delivery/collection dates that are 2 or More Days after the Order date. This is by design because: (1) the possible time difference between Thailand and the country you are in (Thailand is GMT +7 hours) means that when you create your Order, we may already have closed our shop for the day and not see your Order until the next day when we open; (2) it will give us time to get the flowers/products you want from our suppliers if we do not have them in stock).
- Need your flowers/products sooner (within the next 2 days)? Please see the Same Day & Next Day Collection or Delivery (Need your Flowers/Products within 2 Days?) section below

Same Day & Next Day Collection or Delivery (Need your Flowers/Products within 2 Days?)

If you want your Order delivered or collected Within 2 Days of your Order date, we may be able to do it for you (perhaps Next Day Delivery, for example).
In addition to using the "date chooser" explained in the section above, please:
EITHER ... (A) write the earlier delivery or collection date on your Order (we will do our best to do your Order on that date but this cannot be assumed or guaranteed, and we may need to make product substitutions without notice),
OR ...
(if possible) (B)
Contact Us during our opening/working hours before creating your Order (we will respond as soon as we can to tell you if we have the flowers/products in stock, and if we can have them ready for your preferred date).

What Types of Places Can We Deliver To? (includes GoGo bars and Hospitals?)
We can deliver to nearly every type of place within our delivery areas. For example: Houses, Apartments/Condos, Bars and Restaurants (including Beer Bars and GoGo Bars), Hotels, Shops, Offices and Hospitals. (For Hospitals, please also see our Hospital Deliveries section below).
NOTE about delivery to GoGo Bars and Beer Bars: We may not be able to deliver directly/personally to your requested recipient because they may be busy working, or not there at delivery time. In these circumstances, it will be necessary for us to leave the delivery with a third party for them to pass on to the recipient. We will usually leave the delivery with another member of staff at the bar (the cashier or mamasan, for example).
PLEASE NOTE: We reserve the right to not deliver to requested delivery places which we believe are unreasonable, potentially dangerous or operating illegally. We will try to warn you via e-mail if this is the case.


If you do not want to collect your Order from our shop in Pattaya, we are proud to provide an excellent, very reliable delivery service to places in the Pattaya area that have a Thai postcode of 20150.


Our delivery prices depend on how far away the delivery place is from our shop and take into account the following services and costs:
- (1)
administration cost of finding the correct delivery location before delivery, and contacting the recipient before, during and/or after the delivery, when necessary.
- (2) estimated traveling costs to the delivery address
- (3) estimated traveling time required (including traffic congestion, especially in Central Pattaya) and complete the delivery successfully
- (4)
administration cost of doing a pre-delivery and delivery photograph and sending it to you, when applicable.

Please choose the appropriate delivery area during the Checkout process. Click on the small map to see the bigger delivery map ----->

Collection from Isan Flowers Shop
Delivery Area 1 (Central & South Pattaya) on our Delivery Map US$6.99
Delivery Area 2 (Pratumnak Hill & Sukhumvit) on our Delivery Map   US$6.99
Delivery Area 3 (North Pattaya & Sukhumvit) on our Delivery Map   US$6.99
Delivery Area 4 (Naklua & Sukhumvit) on our Delivery Map US$5.99
Delivery Area 5 (North & Central Jomtien, Sukhumvit) on our Delivery Map US$6.99
Delivery Area 6 (South Jomtien & Sukhumvit) on our Delivery Map US$7.99
I DO NOT KNOW exactly where - but I know it is somewhere in Pattaya town US$7.99
EAST PATTAYA - From Sukhumvit Road up to Lake Mabprachan area
SOUTH OF PATTAYA - Area from South Jomtien up to Na Jomtien & Ocean Marina
SOUTH OF PATTAYA - Area from Na Jomtien/Ocean Marina up to (North & West) Huay Yai & Phoenix Golf Club US$13.49
SOUTH OF PATTAYA - Area from (North & West) Huay Yai up to Baan Amphur, Nong Nooch Garden & Bang Saray
NORTH OF PATTAYA - Area from Naklua up to & including Laem Chabang US$19.99
NORTH OF PATTAYA - Area from Laem Chabang up to & including Sri Racha US$25.99

Delivery to Other Areas in Chonburi province – If you would like us to deliver to an address outside the above areas, we may be able do it for you (if it has a Thai postcode of 20150, 20110 or 20180) - please Contact Us to ask for a delivery price, before making your Order.



Why is Delivery Not "Free" or Not Included in Our Product Prices?
Many flower delivery websites claim their products include free delivery. However, usually this simply means that a general delivery price is already added to the price you pay for each product. Our product prices do not include delivery. We have separate delivery charges at a reasonable price, based on distance from our shop. It is because this is fairer for our customers. It keeps product prices lower for you (and if you order two or more products from us, you will pay only one delivery price – instead of a delivery cost in every product!). It also means that you can avoid a delivery cost completely if you can collect your products from our shop.
NOTE: We may sometimes do Free Delivery or Reduced Delivery Prices promotions for a period of time.

Why is Delivery to Central Pattaya More Expensive than Some Other Areas?
Our delivery prices to Central Pattaya are higher than some other areas of Pattaya city because of the amount of traffic and frequency of traffic jams in this area (particularly in the afternoons, evening and weekends, Friday-Sunday) is very bad, and it means we need to spend more time doing a delivery (leave our shop earlier) and waste more time stuck in traffic, going from and back to our shop.

How Reliable is the Isan Flowers Delivery Service?
We are proud of our excellent delivery service. We will do our very best to deliver your Order directly to your requested recipient (or an alternative that you have communicated to us on your Order or via contacting us later) on your requested delivery date and at your requested time, in the same beautiful, undamaged condition they left our shop.                            
However, sometimes there are good reasons why we may need to change the recipient, delivery place, delivery time and/or date. Please see circumstances described in our Terms and Conditions.

Please remember that the more complete, correct and detailed information you give us about the recipient and delivery place, the higher the probability your delivery will be successful.

We will normally try to use the recipient’s contact telephone number you give us to try to contact the recipient, shortly before or at the start of the delivery time period on the delivery date you requested, to check if they will be able to receive your delivery at the time and place you specified on your Order. (Please read our Surprise Deliveries section below for more information)
- If a recipient says they will not be able to receive an Order personally at the delivery time you requested, we will agree with them to EITHER (1) do the delivery at a different time (and/ or date) they prefer, OR (2) deliver the Order to a third party (for example: a reception staff member, security guard, work colleague, manager, mamasan, cashier) for them to collect it later. We always try to deliver to the named recipient direct, if possible, because then we can try to take a delivery photo and we can be sure that the recipient has definitely received the Order.
- If we cannot contact your requested recipient using the contact details you have given us (for example, the recipient has switched off their phone, is not answering or the contact details are incorrect), we may delay the delivery until a time when we can successfully contact the recipient and agree a delivery time with them.

When we are requested to deliver to some types of delivery place, we may not be able to deliver an Order directly to the requested recipient, for reasons outside our control. Such places include: bars, hotels, apartments, offices, schools, hospitals, temples, and other business places. Reasons can include: recipient is busy working and cannot be disturbed or found; recipient has temporarily gone out of the delivery place for some reason, such as spending time with a customer, getting something to eat, gone shopping; access/movement at the delivery place is restricted to staff or residents only.
- In these circumstances, it will be necessary for us to leave the delivery with a third party for them to pass on to the recipient. In this event, we will do our best to choose who we believe is the most responsible-looking third party person available (for example, a reception staff member, security guard, work colleague, manager, mamasan, cashier).

Our usual delivery methods include: delivery van, motorbike or car. These are normally done by one of our own Isan Flowers team. However, we may sometimes use trusted and experienced third party delivery drivers and their vehicles.

Collection / Pick Up From Our Shop
You can avoid paying for delivery by collecting your Order from our shop. Please choose this option in our Checkout process. If you cannot collect it yourself, personally, you can write/tell us on the Order the name of a different person (the Order Collection Person) who will collect it for you (your recipient, for example).
Please see our Opening Hours on our Contact Us page, and our possible Holidays on our Calendar page.
When the Order Collection Person collects the Order, please try to ensure they bring a copy of the Order number and also some official personal identification containing their full name (such as a National ID Card, Passport, Driving Licence) because we may ask for proof of identity when they collect the Order.

Delivery Information You Need to Give Us
When you use our website Checkout process, please do your best to give us the full, correct and detailed recipient & delivery place details for your Order. This will ensure the highest probability of delivery success. For example:
- the Recipient's Name (full name if possible, because there may be more than one person at the delivery place with the same first name or nickname)
- (Complete) Delivery Address (addresses in Thailand, even some official postal addresses, can sometimes be vague and very difficult to find. Unlike many countries such as US, UK and in Western Europe, property/building numbers (for example, 32/414 <Road Name>) are often not located/allocated in sequence on a street or road and roads can be extremely long, which means finding the location of a building/delivery address or place on a long road can be extremely difficult. Thai postcodes refer to relatively large regions of the country (like counties in the US or UK), rather than very small blocks of buildings. Addresses found on the internet or provided by word of mouth are often incomplete, such as no road or soi name, no district name.
- the Recipient's Contact Telephone Number, preferably a mobile phone (This is important because we will use the recipient’s contact telephone number you give us to try to contact the recipient, shortly before or at the start of the delivery time period on the delivery date you requested, to check if they will be able to receive your delivery at the time and place you specified on your Order).

Also, please proactively provide or offer any useful extra information that will help our staff find the delivery place in the 'Please give us any special instructions.... ' box on the last page of the Checkout process.
- For example, information which is not included in the basic address information, such as: "located next to <Building Type/Name>", Google Maps URLs, GPS coordinates of difficult-to-find addresses, and any business opening hours.

Hospital Deliveries
For hospital deliveries, it is particularly important that you provide us with enough accurate and up-to-date information about the recipient. Staff members may be busy working. Patients may be very ill, may be moved from room to room, or be discharged. Hospitals may not allow deliveries direct to patients for health and safety reasons. This means that we sometimes are unable to deliver orders direct to the requested recipient for you at perhaps a very emotional time. So ...
- When your requested recipient is a staff member, please give us their full name and, if possible, the name of the department they work in.
- When your recipient is a patient, please give us their full name (same as on their National ID Card or passport) and, if possible, reason for hospital admission and room number.

Surprise Deliveries
We know customers sometimes want the delivery of their Order to be a surprise for the recipient. However, like other flower shops and services in Thailand, we will normally try to contact your recipient, using the contact telephone number you give us, shortly before or at the start of the delivery time period on the delivery date you requested, to check if they will be able to receive your delivery at the time and place you specified on your Order. This is because .... (1) many get angry if they do not know we are coming to see them, and (2) sometimes recipients are not at the expected delivery address at delivery time (Pattaya has a high % of people who are working temporarily or on holiday there, so people move around a lot, and are not always where you expect) and (3) we cannot do multiple delivery attempts due to time and cost to us.
- Still, when we contact the recipient, we will always do everything we can to not tell them what we are going to deliver, or who the gifts are from However, these days it is usually very difficult not to say this information because Thai people receive a lot of scam telephone calls about deliveries and gifts, and they can feel very suspicious when they hear something will be delivered to them. They (understandably) usually want to know what is going to be delivered, from where and from who. If we do not tell them this information they often do not agree to the delivery (or simply end the phone call).

 ... BUT if complete surprise delivery is extremely important to you .... we will do our best to do it (we will not try to contact your recipient before delivery) if you tell us that you understand and accept that ...
we will only do one surprise delivery attempt per Order
- we cannot guarantee, or promise, that the recipient will receive or see what we deliver, because they may not be there at delivery time.

- if the recipient is not there at delivery time, we will leave the delivery with a third party for them to (hopefully) pass on to the recipient later (we will do our best to choose who we believe is the most responsible-looking third party person available, such as: a reception staff member, security guard, work colleague, manager, mamasan, cashier) - but that third party person *may or may not* do this reliably.

Adding A Personal Message
During our website ordering process you can enter a personal message for us to add to the Order for you. If you buy a Greeting Card product, we will write your message inside that. If you do not buy a Greeting Card product, we will write your message on a small Isan Flowers business card and add it to your products. Normally we will write this in the same language you wrote the message in, but if you would like us to write it in Thai or translate it into Thai for you, we will be happy to do that – just ask us to do this when you write your message.

Checking your Order E-mail

After you create your website Order, our website will automatically send you a "Pending Order" e-mail showing the details of your Order. Please check this e-mail very carefully as soon as possible after you receive it, to see if the details are correct. If you see a mistake, or need to make a change, please reply to the e-mail or Contact Us as soon as possible so we can correct your Order details before delivery or collection.
We and/or our website will also send you another e-mail after we have received your payment, to confirm your Order or ask you questions about it.
NOTE: If, for some reason, you do not pay for your Order or your payment fails, your Order will remain ‘Pending’ and we will not start work on your Order. However, we will try to contact you, probably via e-mail, to tell you this and try to help you confirm your Order.

Product Packaging
We take care to minimize the risk of our products being damaged or otherwise spoiled during delivery. For example, we sometimes put a protective covering over products to avoid dirt and damage during delivery.


Delivery Confirmation & Photo
Whenever possible, we will do one or more of the following things after delivery:
(1) Try to take a photograph of the requested recipient receiving a delivery. However, this cannot be guaranteed because there may be times when the recipient does not want us to take a photograph of them and refuses to give us permission, or it was necessary to deliver to a third party for them to pass the products(s) on to the recipient. In these cases, we will try to obtain the signature of the requested recipient or the name, signature and/or photograph of the third party.
(2) For most Orders, we will confirm the delivery or collection of your Order by sending you an e-mail, using the e-mail address you have supplied or used to contact us. We do our best to send such e-mails by the end of the day on the date we delivered the Order. However, sometimes it may be up to 24 or 48 hours after the delivery date. If you have not seen the e-mail, please check your e-mail spam folder in case it has arrived there. We may not send you the e-mail if we have given you written confirmation of delivery via a different method, such as messaging apps like LINE or Whatsapp.
(3) We will usually also try to confirm delivery or collection of your Order by trying to send you an SMS message using
your contact telephone number on your Order, unless you have told us you do not want that. We do our best to send such SMS messages by the end of the day on the date we delivered the Order. However, sometimes it may be up to 24 or 48 hours after the delivery date. If the contact number you gave us is not a mobile telephone number, you will not receive the SMS. We will not send you the SMS message if we have already given you written confirmation of delivery via a messaging app such as LINE or Whatsapp. You will not receive the SMS message if the number you provided was not your correct mobile telephone number, or there has been a problem with our or your mobile telephone service.

What Happens if there are Delivery Problems?
We will do our best to avoid and solve delivery problems. For full details of the many things we will do to ensure a recipient receives an Order, and the possible delivery problems, please also see our Terms and Conditions page.

If you have any questions about our Collection or Delivery service, or want to make a special Delivery arrangement for your order, please Contact Us and we will be very happy to help you.

We make every possible effort to ensure our products and services meet your reasonable expectations. In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied with our products or services, please (1) read our latest Terms and Conditions and (2) Contact Us (preferably within 24 hrs of the problem so we can try to solve it for you as soon as we can). We are happy to receive any justified customer complaints because we want to give all our customers great service.




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Red 'Love You' Heart Cushion B (M)
Red 'Love You' Heart Cushion B (M)
USD 16.65

Red Roses Cake
Red Roses Cake
USD 36.65

Birthday Card (Printed) 5
Birthday Card (Printed) 5
USD 4.99

Red Bouquet of XX Ferrero Rocher Chocolates
Red Bouquet of XX Ferrero Rocher Chocolates
USD 22.29

Floating Foil Balloon - I Love You Little Hearts (L)
Floating Foil Balloon - I Love You Little Hearts (L)
USD 14.99


Isan Flowers 2,
39/8 Moo 2, Soi Siam Country Club,
(on corner of Soi 23)
East Pattaya,
Chonburi 20150,
Tel : (+66)(0)85-288-7943

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