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Please use the information below to find solutions to problems you may have ...

When Trying to Log In ..

PROBLEM - I completed the Registration Form to join isanflowers.com, but I cannot Log In with my Username and Password / I see an error message appear saying "login blocked"
SOLUTION - Your account was probably created successfully, but you did not validate your account - so your account did not activate. Our website automatically sent you a validation e-mail as soon as you registered. That e-mail is to make sure you entered a correct e-mail address on the Registration Form - so our website can successfully e-mail you things like Order confirmations. Please check to see if that e-mail is in your e-mail inbox, and use the link in the e-mail to validate your account. Then you will be able to log in to isanflowers.com. (NOTE: If you cannot find the email, please Contact Us and we will validate your account manually for you)

PROBLEM - I did not receive my membership validation e-mail in my e-mail inbox after I completed the Registration Form to join isanflowers.com
SOLUTION - The e-mail must have gone into the Spam or Junk Folder. Can you see it there? If not, please use the "Lost Password?" link next to the Login Area in the top right corner of our website and our website will send you another e-mail (then check your Inbox and also your Spam or Junk Folder)

PROBLEM - I have forgotten my Username
SOLUTION - We do not have access to/view of our customers' passwords but we do know their Usernames, so please Contact Us and ask us to e-mail your password to you.

When Choosing Products ...

PROBLEM - The product I want does not have an "Add to Cart" button under the product photo. How can I buy it?
SOLUTION - For many of our products (especially Rose & Cake products), there is no "Add to Cart" button in the "Product Category" screen view (multiple product view) when there is a choice of Quantity, Type, Size or Colours (for example, Number of Roses, Size of Cake) for the product. Please click on the product you are interested in, to see the specific product page. You should then see the product options and the
"Add to Cart" button for the product ...

During the Checkout Process ... 

I'm Having Problems during the Checkout Process. For example ...

- Cannot choose the delivery date
I want
- Cannot move to the next page of Checkout
- My Order contains an OLD Delivery Date, Delivery Time &/or Personal Message (from a previous Order)

SOLUTION - Please look at our special Checkout Help page

On the PayPal website - when Trying to Pay for My Order with a Debit or Credit Card ...

PROBLEM - I want to pay with my Debit or Credit Card. At the end of the Checkout process, your website took me to the PayPal website. I don't have a PayPal account (or don't want to use it) - How Can I Pay with my Card?
SOLUTION - Please look at our special Pay with Card at End of Checkout - Help page

After Cannot Pay for Order on the PayPal website (but want to try again) ...

PROBLEM - I created a (Pending) Order using the website Checkout process, but did not do payment for it. How can I find the Order and try again to pay for it with a Debit Card, Credit Card or PayPal account?
SOLUTION - Please look at our special Find & Pay For Pending Order By Card or PayPal - Help page

After Creating your Order ...

PROBLEM - You notice that the requested Delivery Date is wrong on your Order ...

There are 2 main reasons why the Delivery Date can be wrong on your Order:

1 - You could not choose the date you really wanted, because the Popup Calendar in our Checkout process
Possible Cause - Our Checkout process did not allow you to choose Same Day or Next Day (only allows dates that are 2 or More Days from the Order date)
SOLUTION - Please Contact Us and tell us you want us to deliver your Order on an earlier date

2 - You have created Orders with us in the past and the Delivery Date is an OLD date, and the same as a previous Order
(NOTE: Your Personal Message may also be old - see next PROBLEM below)
Possible Cause - It is probably because (in the first stage of our Checkout process) you did not click on "Update Now" to update your previous/existing Delivery and choose a new Delivery Date, Delivery Time and Personal Message.
SOLUTION - Please EITHER Contact Us and tell us which Delivery Date, Delivery Time and Personal Message you really want, OR Wait for us to reply to your Order when we will ask you for the correct Delivery Date, Delivery Time and Personal Message ...

PROBLEM - You have created Orders with us in the past and you notice that the requested Delivery Date and Personal Message is wrong (old) on your new Order (it is the same as a previous Order)

Probable Cause - It is probably because (in the first stage of our Checkout process) you did not click on "Update Now" to update your previous/existing Delivery and choose a new Delivery Date, Delivery Time and Personal Message (NOTE: To see how to do this correctly, to avoid the problem, please see our How To Change Delivery Date, Delivery Time and Personal Message page).
Contact Us and tell us which Delivery Date, Delivery Time and Personal Message you really want, OR Wait for us to reply to your Order when we will ask you for the correct Delivery Date, Delivery Time and Personal Message ...


If the information above does not help you fix your problem, please Contact Us !

At Your Service

The Isan Flowers Team


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Red Roses Cake
Red Roses Cake
USD 36.65

Red 'Love You' Heart Cushion B (M)
Red 'Love You' Heart Cushion B (M)
USD 16.65

Floating Foil Balloon - I Love You Little Hearts (L)
Floating Foil Balloon - I Love You Little Hearts (L)
USD 14.99

Chocolate Gift Basket with Lily and Soft Toy (L)
Chocolate Gift Basket with Lily and Soft Toy (L)
USD 53.29

Floating Foil Balloon - I Love You Heart Gold Script (L)
Floating Foil Balloon - I Love You Heart Gold Script (L)
USD 14.99


Isan Flowers 2,
39/8 Moo 2, Soi Siam Country Club,
(on corner of Soi 23)
East Pattaya,
Chonburi 20150,
Tel : (+66)(0)85-288-7943

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